Telltale Signs I Hope They Notice Before She Falls Too Deep into Nothingness
By Kaci MoDavis
watch her closely / but not intrusively / carefully I said, for the / stumbles of life she’ll have tucked / away. / It’s the refusal to eat sweets / the imprudent overconsumption of alcohol / or water, be it both and she’s / fucked. / rolling her eyes like bowling balls / down / the aisle / no regard for who’s in the / room / anymore. / the blatant memory slips when / she forgets / to set her morning / alarm but it’s not just / Monday but Tuesday / and Wednesday / and Thursday / and so on. / Cracking knuckles like / popping popcorn / in a busted machine / spilling oil onto / the / floor. / she’s not tired but when she / sleeps like an overworked / server / and tells you to / ‘go on without her’ / you worry about / her behavior / but it’s not when she’s out / and amongst friends / it’s when she’s home tucked / away / like a swaddled baby underneath blankets / slowly suffocating her / like saran wrap. / when the mirror becomes a / villain / she avoids on her way to the / bathroom. / when her hands don’t fiddle / but lay limp / watch her / i ask politely / before she becomes a / memory.