Dear Reader,
Sixty years in the wake of our first publication, the RiverCraft editorial staff chose to dedicate the past two semesters to unearthing and detangling Susquehanna University’s rich literary roots. We dove into the archives, synthesized findings into a publication style guide, reached collaborators outside of the English and Creative Writing department, and revised our brand and mission. We found ourselves in awe of the complex network our campus publications have created, and we defined the literary niche RiverCraft occupies in this greater ecosystem.
When the time came to read submissions, we found our contributors guiding us through this reflective process. Emily Hizny’s “A Morning in Three Movements” reminded our editors that sometimes, what we think is up is only deeper. This idea became our issue’s focal point, and the incredible works bound together in this special FOCUS EDITION of RiverCraft are in quiet conversation with each other about reflection and discovery.
RiverCraft magazine was originally published under the name Focus. As you turn these pages, your feet brushing over worn river pebbles and your hands cupping water that has traveled oceans to reach you, we invite you to focus on the water beneath you. Watch your reflection ripple in a mirror made of movement. Refocus on the water above you. Witness it pour into the basin in the sky, as Amber Watkin suggests in her beautiful cover art “An Ocean As Vast As the Sky.” If you feel yourself floating away, embrace it. Trust that the river will return you. Remember that navigating these winding and weaving currents is the key to honing your craft. Focus, unfocus, refocus, and repeat.
Won’t you join us in the water?
Ellie Pasquale
Managing Editor