Hazards; Magnitudes; ordinance; revolts

by Jared Ijams

these are the bricks on which we bash conscience—

i am   soaked bracing ;       steel wristlocks twist
 clocked outside a ransack, a traffic stop.  drained rage in a dead light til the clout of a barbed mercy.

            now an exaltation—


     blood glomming in white dust,
i am a shotgun racking;     i creak gutted & break arms with you , lunging femoral;   God
is like hate for children.

stained, i practice horrible euthanasia.
freedom is a federal slogan & so
  cosmic landscapers fill cages locked in decadent grottos, sneering wet & everywhere.
listen to distance and whisper   the shame of witness.

genocide become globe straps— a corpse with one thousand bodies—
i am an anger which turns inward, & ought to.

ignition lock—  discover the eighty trophies of villainy—   a howling is a hatching— 
a yellow griefsmoke palls:

Let there be breakers and let there be firings—
Let there be furnaces and let there be strikes—
Let there be noons     and let there be    riots—
                                         surge & carve the red wind:



i love those who in any stage have died for the good cause.   i crave to be urged, (executed).
we were covered warmly, organed.    i am become those who pray  to coalescence.      
    to test doom you must  see it through fire.  we sucked idle nectar.  how does the world verb?    
  i see             the eyewitness washed entirely away from the axe.  theodicy for the wretched,                                     jesus with a whip— no more asking, we’ll wield
the barbell of all dead soldiers.      a thing is mentionable if it shoots straight &
      stands tall enough to see.     gold passed through a bulb of deep water.     succeed me.



jared ijams is the name of a congregation from california chaparral which doesn’t believe in triangles. their theodicy is wretched & their eschatology is indeterminate. they hope you enjoy.